I Feel Super Sundays! Vol. 3

It's that time again! Every Sunday, I share the things that made me feel happy this past week. Spread the joy! Sharing your joy and happiness with other people helps spread happiness. I can't begin to describe the joy I feel inside when my friends and family get good news or something wonderful happens to them.

This week I'm going to share a few ways to make the world a happier place (besides sharing a few things that made you happy this week).

  1. Smile! - Smiling is contagious. Your smile should incite a smile on another person's face. Putting a smile on another's face is one of the best ways to brighten their day and yours. 
  2. Help someone in need! - If you see someone struggling, offer your support. 
  3. Do nice things for yourself! - Pamper yourself. Take care of yourself before anyone else. You deserve it. 
  4. Give someone a compliment! Make someone feel good. Knowing that you've made another person feel good should make you feel good. 
  5. Positive Affirmations! I wrote a blog post about this earlier this week. Say your positive affirmations as much as you can. You'll see you're going to be a happier person in the long run. 
Those are just a few ways that you can bring joy into your life and the world. 

So let's hear it people! Tell me what made you happy this week! Post your comments below for the world to see! :) 

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