Speak Up! Repeat your positive Affirmations!

Change the way you think! Change the way you feel! Change the way you live! Live a happier, healthier life. Change those negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Remind yourself daily that you are an awesome person!

Positive Affirmations are specific statements that help you overcome negative thoughts. They help you change your negative thinking into positive thinking. They help you visualize and believe in yourself. They'll help you make positive changes to different areas of your life. Affirm it, believe it!

Positive affirmations need to be repeated daily. You can post them in the areas you spend most of your day. Put up a post it note or a picture. Read it out loud daily. They may not be true at the time that you start saying them, but the goal is for them to become true. Repetition causes your affirmations to sink into your subconscious mind and you'll start to believe them and eventually become them. Overtime, your positive affirmations will outweigh the negative thoughts you used to have.

You can use positive affirmations to help with self confidence, ambition, positivity, career, love life, etc. I recently watched The Secret movie, available on Netflix. In the movie, there was a guy who taped a $1 bill to his ceiling. On the $1 bill he added five zeros to make it a $100,000 bill. He looked at the bill every morning when he woke up. By the end of the first year after pasting his bill to the ceiling, he made around $94,000 that year. He affirmed every day that he would make the money. If he could do it, you can do it too!

Below is a list of affirmations you can use for different aspects of your life.

  1. I am happy. 
  2. I enjoy every aspect of the day. Being happy is my motto.
  3. My happiness attracts happiness. I only interact with happy people.
  4. The simplest things in life bring me joy. 
  5. I am joyful and content with my life in this current moment. 
  1. I love my partner exactly how he/she is.
  2. I respect my partner.
  3. I communicate my desires and needs clearly and confidently with my partner.
  4. My partner and I have fun together and find new ways to enjoy our time together.
  5. My partner and I communicate openly and resolve conflict peacefully and respectfully.
  1. I expect to be successful in all of my endeavors. Success is my natural state.
  2. I love money. Money loves me.
  3. I am a money magnet.
  4. Money flows to me easily.
  5. Financial success comes to me easily and effortlessly.
  1. I’m honest with myself about the reality of what and how I eat.
  2. I enjoy being in my body, and I nourish it each day.
  3. Preparing fresh, healthy meals instead of processed food is an act of love toward myself and those I cook for.
  4. Eating healthy empowers me and gives me control over my life. 
  5. I only eat healthy food. 
Those are just a few affirmations I suggest using. If you do a quick google search, you'll find a million more different affirmations for all aspects of life. 

Repeat your positive affirmations multiple times daily. Write them down at the same time you are speaking them. Be sure that your affirmations are in present tense, as if it is your current situation. 

I'm going to start using a few positive affirmations myself. In 30 days, I'll make a post about how my life has changed since using my positive affirmations. I'd invite you to do the same. Start your positive affirmations today and in 30 days, comment on my affirmation post about how your life has improved since using positive affirmations. 

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